Islamic Laws That Need To Be Followed By Foreigners

Rules and regulations need to be followed:-

Every society has its own rules and regulations that need to be followed by the citizens. Some societies and countries don’t show much strictness toward the violation of rules; in return these countries are not expected to develop and are left lagging behind other countries in the race to go forward.

Dubai Law

In order to be in the list of civilized countries there should be some devised plans to enforce the regulation among the public. Courts and judicial systems announce penalties and punishments to ensure no one walks against set rules.

Strict rules in whole UAE:-

As we all know UAE is a very developed country and it strictly forces the residents whether they are local or foreigners to abide by the rule and regulations of the country. If anyone breaks the rule there are serious punishments, and no such ill activity is compromised in this highly developed country. By not following any of the Dubai law can throw you in trouble as the authorities’ do not differentiate whoever you are.

There are some basic rules which any body needs to be aware of to remain safe and in on the right side of rules.

Set holiday:-

In whole of the Arab world and UAE Friday is the day off. It is meant for prayer and that’s why it is a declared holiday. It’s like a Sunday in whole world. Shops and selling business can carry but not offices, schools etc. if any office, school, nursery, or bank is noticed or seen open on public holiday, it can result in trouble for the owner as he can be charged with financial punishment to sent to jail for a month.

Respect the fasting month:-

Eating or drinking anything in the public during the holy month of Ramadan is penalized with heavy fine. Whether you are a Muslim or non Muslim, you ought to follow this rule. According to the Federal Penal Code of the United Arab Emirates which states that you cannot intake any food or beverage during the daytime in Ramadan which is strictly prohibited by article 313. The person found guilty needs to pay up to 2,000 dirham or can be sentenced to jail for a period of two months.

No holidays on other religions festivals except Islam:-

No public or any kind of holidays will be granted for Christian or any other religion festivals like Easter, Christmas, Holi, Diwali and Dusehra, etc. from the government. Holidays will only be given on Muslim festivals like Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha.

Sex before marriage:-

Dubai law doesn’t allow any couple to do sexual activities in the public or in their home, if they are not married. Any excuse such as engaged and about to marry will never be accepted in United Arab Emirates.
