The Laws You Must Not Ignore!

Legal framework in Dubai is firm and concrete; things may become difficult for one if one is not familiar with these legal implications. Following are some of the domains that are elaborated for the sake of reader’s knowledge and information.

Dubai Law


It is strictly prohibited in the UAE however it is still practiced in metropolis like Dubai. However, if one is caught committing it then he/she may face heavy fines and even may have to spend time behind bars.


Islam strictly prohibits alcohol, however apart from Sharjah all other cities allows one to have it but in a licensed restaurant or bars only. Dubai law is firm about this and anyone found drinking alcohol in unlicensed zone may have to go through difficulties in the form of heavy fines and jail.


This is not allowed in Shariah law and preaching of Islam. In Dubai, however you may be able to live with a partner without marrying him/her and may get away with it unless and until a neighbor reports you.

Consumer Rights:

You will have them in Dubai for sure, however unlike other developed countries you may not claim them with ease. You are expected to ensure that products are as per your liking, not expired before you take them home. The legal system is not always going to support the customers only, it will be mainly based on what the evidence are like.


Driving without wearing seat belt or talking on the phone would mean asking for trouble in the form of fines and jail as well.


Dubai law or law in the entire UAE is more favoring men in this case therefore if you are the opposite sex you may not go for plea submission without having a strong and firm point.

Drugs and prescription the UAE medicines:

Recreational drugs are strictly prohibited in Dubai and all over UAE. Getting medication without is also not going to be possible. Anyone caught using recreational drugs may have to face serious penalties and even deportation.


Employment law here in Dubai are unique as your probation period may last up to six months however this time will be counted in your overall experience. Other associated laws are stricter when working in a limited liable company. Things may be on lenient side if one is working in Free Zone Company or in simple words an international or private company.
